Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Money, Econoimics and Truth - a starting point

Economics, Finance, Money - how do we analyze all of these? Who cares?

How do we know if we are being led down the proverbial primrose path, or we are actually advancing our values, lives and families?

How do we now what is truth ?

In order to not go crazy any belief system - MUST be used throughout every part of our entire lives (or we will be accused of being a hypocrite, and "they" will be right). If it does not work everywhere every time it needs to be reviewed.
If there is NO truth - then why do we breath in? why do we let go of our keys and expect them to fall to the desk? There must be some truths that are eternal.

The hard sciences use empirical data and hypothesis and look for the evidence to prove it. But what would happen if a sociologists or psychologist did the same? If a event does not repeat with enough predictability it must be a soft science. Can you prove you were born? Scientifically - do it again to prove it. Can someone else repeat the experiment? NO with your birth. Then how can you get "peer review" (don't start, yes it is self feeding and back slapping garbage, but it's scientific)
Deductive reason is how we look at obvious pieces of data and see the pattern. Sherlock holmes and Patrick Jane are wonderfully written and entertaining examples of deductive detective work.

If Economics is a deductive science- whoops maybe it's not a science, maybe it's just human behavior skewed through a lens of our values and how we live them out.

What are you talking about?

If we as humans have effort over a limited time on this earth to advance our values could it be that economics is the study of how individuals do that? As well as, how many of them gather together in a tribe or clan? We work to: eat, clothe, shelter and repopulate; after these Maslovian things are covered we move toward self actualization. So isn't our Years of Work traded for the things we spend that capital on and the things we give up to advance our careers and secure our families are less valuable than the pile of work hours we are trading and storing away in a "spendable " format. For it they were not less valuable then we would not show up to work or quite.
So what we spend our work hour equivalents (WHE) on, is in reality our Life's Work. So the study of our WHE is economics.
Spend it, hoard it, save it, give it away, leave it, enjoy it, sell it, multiply it - What , when , where, how and Why is the - study of economics. It can not be proved with a hypothesis, it can be deduced with reason and thought.

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