Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Leverage & Your Values

Money is just a way to leverage my WHE’s- look at most first generation person here in America- the will negotiate hard for their pay or WHE’s and then the haggle just as hard when spending those same WHE’s . They “work” both ends of the stick. Once you get to 3 generations born here in the States, if someone negotiates the only focus on one end of the stick - you have just lost 50% of you leverage.

Hey it’s your life, you only have a fixed amount of time to make a offer to the market place and have that offer accepted, and a competitive offer is, in return for that effort,“money”.

Your WHE’s and money are not your values (they may be) but how you spend or trade them is what you value. “Money” is simply a means of exchange it has no value in and of itself :”money” does not control our lives or define who we are.

Prosperity comes from using our WHE and our Human Life Value (HLV, the entire value you bring to the world with your human life) for what we Choose to value and pour our lives into weather in vocation or just apply our WHE to be used to advance . Choose how you “spend” your WHE’s carefully!

Side bar - HLV is how the law quantifies the loss of a life in a monetary terms. It was never is not meant to equal or show the value of emotion or thought or any other intangible. These do not have a lesser value it is just not the economic value a person brings to their family, or society. So a 40 year old, brain surgeon has a higher HLV than a 40 year old Teacher, NOT because society values one over the other but in monetary terms, one will bring more to the table in income, taxes and probably consume more, than the other.

I say, - HLV is more than just he monetary piece of the puzzle and the whole person, every person has HLV. End of story.

HLV can be just as high in each person.

Back in the day, as kids we had rock polishers that would polish rocks with a media to a shine. I think that each one of us as a sack of rocks. Each sack is different in size & types of rocks. We can choose to leave these rocks just as God gave them too us or we can polish them and we can polish them as long as we choose. Some will make them look like fine jewelry, some like fancy stones, and some just a few of the sharp edges will be worn off. These Rocks are our innate talents and skills we all have some, but how we use them and refine them is how we maximize our HLV.

Some may make lots of money, some may be very effective with their time or empathy. These are all just as valuable, at different times and in different places. Weather we use our effort to develop our skills to make money and then use that money to advance our life’s work and HLV, or if we develop or talents and use them directly, think Mother Teresa, does it really matter? If the cause is advanced weather you used your effort directly or indirectly (though leverage of WHE’s and money)? And either way is that not your HLV or your Life’s work?

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