Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Who's Incharge of our Money

What if we give a group of people a franchise or exclusive right to store WHE’s ?

If we store our WHE’s as “Money” Is it just sitting there good stewardship? Shouldn’t we put it to work? Even Jesus alludes to this (see Matthew 25:27).

So as a extra little service, these store houses for “money” give you a small amount of interest. Why would they do this?

Because from their desk chair, This is just the ”cost” of the commodity that they will sell at a higher cost than what it costs them (just like you and your Company).

Buy or borrow at X sell or lend for X+1, pretty easy.

Better yet - why do We let then determine the rate we pay on our collective money?

We are the lender, why don’t we set the rate or at least a agreement between both parties? Well if we refuse to do business with them we have chosen not to honor their offer, we are in charge of the rate we receive. Why not receive that same (agreeable) rate from our cousin or neighbor (don’t be crazy and try to get a lower rate, just loose the middle man, the market rate is the market rate.)

Just because we ignore opportunities available doesn't mean that they are not available. We choose where we store/invest our money and the safety or risk, we think we know about, is of our choice. We are Free to Choose.

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