Monday, January 24, 2011


If I could JUST KEEP ALL THE INCOME I EARN, and NOT pay TAXES. Then I could keep it in a coffee can in the backyard and retire .

Keep dreaming, There is always some Joker who says he doesn’t pay taxes because it is illegal or some other dribble. I would not suggest you try this if you like being able to choose when you wake, eat, exercise, who your bunk-mate is or get medical attention.

Taxation is the result of government growth and promises that government makes to people which it can not pay for.

Good ol’ Abe Lincoln and the Civil War changed us from These States that where Untied for a particular reason (Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness) and had states rights as well as a LIMITED Federal Government into The United States and a ever growing Federal sprawl. The short sighted Southern States could not see the States Rights and Slavery were two separate issues in the North. So here we are today.

As government makes promises it’s check book can’t pay and there is always a good rationalization to right a check to somebody who “Needs” it. We must increase new taxes, raise the tax rate on existing taxes and add people to the pool to be taxed. Look at the 80/20 rule and who pays taxes in this country.

Thought- if a progressive tax is fair, why not have a progressive pricing the minimum need to survive?

Food or Vegetables ~ for the indigent they are free, if you earn less that $40k gross you pay cost of production (as approved by a Federal Agency, Ha Ha), as you earn more, the prices increase at a rate commensurate with the tax rate. There the rich would pay more just to eat, that would be fair, Right?


Humans just don’t work that way – anybody who could earn close to $50k would find a way to ratchet it down to below the $40k barrier. Those with no shame would claim indigence, for all of their family members except one person, who would end up eating as a courtesy of the other family members.

Have you ever thought about how may times a single dollar get taxed by Federal, State, County, and city taxes and fees in a single year?

If that dollar is circulated, at a velocity of 9 times ( number of transitions per year) , how many times is it taxed? 9 minimum, unless it is ever used as payroll, then you so automatically add all the taxes that reduces your gross pay to your net pay. (Fed t income tax, SS, Med, County, City, State, State Disability) Or if a transaction has a "add" on top of the state tax; a county, city or a product dependent tax associated. So a dollar moving through the economy growing by 25% can get taxed by up to 50%+, looks like a net loss to me.

there is even a thought out there that the taxes paid are not compensated by any present service rendered by the government’s apparatus. The government pays interest on capital which has been consumed and no longer exists. The treasury is burdened with the unfortunate results of past policies. - L Von Mises Human Action 4th ed.

Is there a way to have transactions that are not taxed? Glad you asked….more later

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