Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Was Ben Franklin Right ?

Why is it - that those who want a safe job with a big company and stay there for 30-40 years, and are willing to trade lower pay for the security and a gold colored watch.

These are the same people that are so foolish and unsafe with their retirement income behavior? They expect the grandfatherly company to "take care of" their retirement account either with a Pension or full faith and trust that the 401 (k) , at the company, is the only way.

Is this just the group-think or following the expected behavior promoted and don’t think one layer deeper ?

Why would those who promote (read TARP recipients): what to do and how to do it with your retirement income do that?

Why would they do and say those things?

What do they get from it?

What are the alternatives?

What are the down sides of each opportunity?

Could any of this change in the future?

Is there any unseen risk?

IS There A Risk Of - Highly Unlikely BUT Horrific Potential Event? (think, Stock Market and Real Estate Market falling at the same time)

Ben Franklin - They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.

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